Friday, April 18, 2008

And We Lost. Again.

But who cares, because the most hilarious thing ever happened.

It was singles night or college night or Chipotle fan-a-thon night or something or other, so everyone was pretty raucous.

Sometime during the 7th inning a hotdog came flying down from the seats above us and hurtled its way over the edge of the upper-deck. I'd love to see the look on the person's face who's lap it landed on down there.

Then the group of people behind the Hogdog Incident of '08 were screaming, "This is an outrage! A hotdog has gone over the edge! Who did this?! Dear God, someone threw a hotdog!"

About 10 minutes later security threw the hotdog thrower out of the game. He was laughing and his friends were yelling, "Finally you caught him! Justice to the hotdog has been served!"

It was pretty funny. omgHelmetSundae is not in favor of throwing delicious ballpark snacks, unless of course it's a hotdog, then it's hilarious.


1 comment:

Kelly said...

I loved how they kept breaking in on the big screen to talk about all the sweet deals the Chipotle singles were getting, like they were trying to rub it in all us regular folks' faces.

Also, I love my awesome new shirt. Maybe I'll wear it on my run today.